Dr. Sreeja S.
Associate Professor |
Phone: 9447906670(M),
Email: sreejas@cet.ac.in.com
Date of joining: 12/03/2007(DTE)
Qualifications |
B. Tech – Electrical and Electronics Engg. (University of Kerala)
M. Tech – Guidance, Navigation and Control(University of Kerala)
PhD - Guidance and Control of Aerospace Vehicles (IIT Bombay) |
Area of Interest |
Navigation, Guidance and Control of Autonomous Systems, Satellites-based navigation of
flight vehicles; Spacecraft attitude determination and control; Spacecraft rendezvous
dynamics, Guidance, Navigation and Control, Missile Guidance, Navigation and Control;
Airplane Navigation; Kalman filtering and Estimation for Navigation and Tracking; Launch
Vehicles and Reentry Vehicles GNC |
Professional Experience |
Research Assistant, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay during 2005 to 2006.
Faculty in the Department of Technical Education, Kerala since 2007 |
Recently taught courses |
Principles of Aerospace Navigation, Guidance and Control of Missiles, Flight Dynamics
and Control, Spacecraft Guidance Navigation and Control, Guidance and Control of
Space Vehicles and Satellites, Introduction to Flight, Flight Dynamics and Control,
Advanced Control Systems, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Estimation
Theory, System Identification and Parameter Estimation, Helicopter Dynamics |
Awards/Recognitions |
Best Paper Presentation Award at the International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI – 2005), Pattaya, THAILAND. |
Reviewer for |
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, SPIE
Aerospace Science and Technology, Sciencedirect, Elsevier |
Membership in Professional bodies |
Member, AIAA
Member, SPIE
Member, IET
Member, IEEE,Aeronautical Society of India, AeSI
Life Member, The Robotic Society India, RSI
Life Member Systems Society India, SSI |
Other Responsibilities |
Faculty Advisor, IET On Campus
Faculty Advisor, IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society Student
Institute Coordinator, Scheme for Her Empowerment(SHE)
Assistant Placement Coordinator, College of Engineering Trivandrum
Important Publications |
- Chethipuzha, Mathew, et al. "Embracing nanotechnology concepts in the
electronics industry." Fundamentals and Properties of Multifunctional
Nanomaterials. Elsevier, 2021. 405-421.
- Sharu SJ, Sreeja S. " A Comparative Study of Pose Estimation Algorithms for
Visual Navigation in Autonomous Robots ", International Robotics and
Automation Journal. 2023;9(3):124-130. DOI: 10.15406/iratj.2023.09.00274.
- A Alif, CS Kavitha, S Sreeja, "Decentralized Control and Obstacle Avoidance in
Autonomous Cooperative Transport System", Journal of Aerospace Sciences
and Technologies, pp 36-45, 2022.
- Sreeja S., Hablani,H.B.,"Precision Munition Guidance and Moving - Target
Estimation", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics , Vol.39, No.9,
pp.2100-2111, September, 2016. Impact Factor: 1.856
- Sreeja S., Hari B.Hablani, Hemendra Arya,"Precision targeting in guided
munition using IR sensor and MmW radar", SPIE Journal of Applied Remote
Sensing , Vol. 10, Issue.3, 2016, DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.10.036002. Impact Factor:
- Sreelekshmy, L.,Sreeja, S., "Controller for Electromechanical Flap Actuation
System in More Electric Aircraft", Proceedings of International Conference on
Data Science and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol
551. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6631-6_65, 2023.
- Sravya, R. S., and S. Sreeja. "Design and Simulation of Interplanetary Lunar
Rover." Materials Today: Proceedings 2023.
- Shaiju, Megha, and S. Sreeja. "Characterization of Cubature Kalman Filter for
GPS Delayed Environments in INS-GPS Integrated Navigation." IFAC-
PapersOnLine 55.22 (2022): 207-211.
- Akshaya T G., Sreeja S., "Multi-sensor Data Fusion for Aerodynamically
Controlled Vehicle Based on FGPM", IFAC-Papers Online, Elsevier, Vol 53,
Issue 1, Pages 591-596, 2020.
- Sreeja S., Hablani,H.B., "Precision Munition Guidance and 2-D Target Position
Estimation", AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference , San Diego,
2016, DOI: 10.2514/6.2016-2113.
- Shincy Sainudheen., Sreeja S., "Integrated Adaptive Control of Attitude and
Momentum for Space Station", IFAC-Papers Online, Elsevier, Vol 53, Issue 1,
Pages 561-566, 2020
- Sreeja S., Hablani,H.B., " Precision Munition Guidance and Moving Target
Position Estimation", AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference ,
Kissimmee, Florida 2015, DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-0092.
- Sreeja,S., Hablani,H.B., Arya H., "Precision Targeting in Guided Munition Using
IR Sensor and MmW Radar", SPIE Security + Defence, Proceeding of SPIE ,
France, Proceedings Vol. 9653, 2015.
- Jacob, Sharu Susan, S. Sreeja, and Nisha S. Dathan. "Evaluation of Feature
Detection Algorithms and Epipolar Geometry Based Camera Pose Estimation."
IECON 2022–48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
IEEE, 2022.
- Amrutha, V. P., S. Sreeja, and A. Sabarinath., "Trajectory Optimization of Lunar
Soft Landing Using Differential Evolution."2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference
(50100). IEEE, 2021.
- Krishna, Raji, et al. "Design Optimization of Linear Induction Motor for UAV
Launching Application." 2023 IEEE International Conference on Power
Electronics, Smart Grid, and Renewable Energy (PESGRE). IEEE, 2023.
- Menon, Ujjwal K., M. Ponmalar, and S. Sreeja. "Altitude and Attitude Control of
X-Configuration Quadrotor Design."2023 International Conference on Control,
Communication and Computing (ICCC). IEEE, 2023.
- Mohan, Krishna, et al. ``LIDAR Based Landing Site Identification and Safety
Estimation For InterPlanetary Missions."2023 International Conference on
Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC). IEEE, 2023.
- Nayana Merin, Kapil Sharma, Prjeesh, Sreeja, " Design of LQR Controllers for a
flexible Launch Vehicle using modified weighting matrix", 5th International
Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and
Communications(ICAECC), September, 2023.
- Dhanya, P., P. V. Sreena, and S. Sreeja. "Thrust Vectoring and its Effects on
Vertical Take-off and Landing of Monocopters-A Review."2023 International
Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC). IEEE, 2023.
- Nair, Sindhu P., Peter K. Abraham, and S. Sreeja. "Grid Interfaced Sensorless
BLDC Motor Fed Solar Water Pump Using SEPIC Converter."2022 IEEE
International Power and Renewable Energy Conference (IPRECON). IEEE,
- Rajan, Reshma, et al. "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Linear Induction
Motor." 2022 IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference
(IPRECON). IEEE, 2022.
- Aparna AJ, Swaminathan S, Sreeja S. "Real Time Trajectory Generation of Mars
Entry using Legendre Pseudo-Spectral Method." In 2022 13th Asian Control
Conference (ASCC) 2022 May 4 (pp. 882-888). IEEE.
- Serene Siby and Sreeja S, "A Review on Trajectory Optimisation Techniques for
Launch Vehicles during Ascent Phase,"2022 IEEE 19th India Council
International Conference (INDICON), Kochi, India, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi:
- Serene Siby and Sreeja S, "Comparative Study of Different Controllers for Pitch
Control of Aircraft,"2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging
Technologies (GlobConET), Arad, Romania, 2022, pp. 893-899, doi:
- Thomas, T. and Sreeja, S., 2021, December. "Comparison of Nearest Neighbor
and Probabilistic Data Association Filters for Target Tracking in Cluttered
Environment"In 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing,
Communication and Automation (ICCCA) (pp. 272-277). IEEE.
- Jayamon, A.C., Chethipuzha, M., Jashwanth, S., Aravind, R. and Sreeja, S.,
2020, December. "Spacecraft Docking using Model Predictive Control with STK-
based Visualization". In 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference
(INDICON) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.