Dr. V. P. Mini
Professor |
Phone: 9447986892, 9895904715
Email: minivp@cet.ac.in
Date of Joining: 01-01-2001(DTE)
Qualifications |
BTech- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
M A College Of Engineering Kothamangalam,
M G University
MTech- Power Systems - NIT Trichy
Ph.D : Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Electrical Machines
University of Kerala |
Area of Interest |
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Electrical Drives |
Professional Experience |
Vocational Lecturer – Vocational Higher Secondary School 1997-2000
Assistant Professor- College of Engineering Trivandrum 2001-2015
Assistant Professor – Government Engineering College Idukki (2015-2016)
Assistant Professor – College of Engineering Trivandrum (2016 onwards) |
Details of Funded Research Projects |
1. Electrical & Thermal analysis of low power homo polar alternator, Funding agency-DRDO, 2019-21(9.6 lakhs)
2. Modeling and analysis of high speed Homopolar Inductor Alternator, Funding agency-DRDO, 2017-19(10.6 lakhs)
3. Design, Development and Analysis of High Speed Three phase PM Alternator, Funding agency-DRDO, 2020-21(8.1 lakhs)
4. Implementation of a fuzzy logic algorithm for detection, diagnosis and forecasting of fault in
a three phase induction motor drive system, Funding agency-KCSTE, 2018-21(8.9 lakhs)
5. Design and development of fault detection and prognosis system for three phase
induction motor drive system, Funding agency-CERD, 2017-18(0.35 lakhs)
6. Design and implementation of solar PV system for the electrification of an isolated rural household, Funding agency-CERD KTU, 2015-16(0.5 lakhs)
7. Design and development of Electric Three Wheeler, Funding agency-RPS-NDF, 2020-23(25 lakhs)
8. Power factor improvement in three phase induction motor drive system, Funding agency-CERD KTU, 2017-20(1.4 lakhs) |
Details of FDP Coordinated |
Modern Trends in Power Electronics and Drives sponsored by AICTE, July 1 to July 14, 2019
Modern Trends in Power Electronics and Embedded Systems Design for Power Electronic Converters sponsored by DTE, Dec 3 to Dec 7, 2018
Hands-on Workshop on Internet of Things for Electrical Applications sponsored by KTU, July 16 - 21, 2018
Recent Trends in Power Electronics and Drives sponsored by KTU, June 18-22, 2018
Design and Hardware Implementation of Power Electronic Circuits sponsored by DTE Kerala, Jan 8-13, 2018 |
Recently taught courses |
Power Electronics, Power Semiconductor Drives, Electrical Machines, Electrical Machine design , Introduction to Sustainable Engineering, |
Other Responsibilities |
UG Professor |
Important Publications |
Journals |
- Mini V P, Ushakumari “ Electrical Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Induction Motor using Fuzzy Logic” -AMSE International Journal on modeling, measurement and Simulation , series B, vol.55, issue 1, 2012.
- Mini V P, Ushakumari “Rotor fault detection and diagnosis of three phase induction motor using fuzzy logic” -AMSE Journal 2014 se Modeling A vol. 87 April 2014
- M. Sabna, V. P. Mini, S. Usha Kumari, N. Mayadevi, and R. Hari Kumar, " A Hybrid FaultDetection
and Diagnosis Algorithm for Five-Phase PMSM Drive," in Arabian Journal forScience and
Engineering, vol. 48, pp.6507-6519, November 2022, doi: 10.1007/s13369-022- 07422-z (SCIE)
- Namitha Murali, Mini V.P., Ushakumari S. "Modified V-ShapedInterior Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor Drive for Electric Vehicle."International Review on Modelling and Simulation
(IREMOS-Scopus), pp. 439-450, Vol-14, No.6, December 2021.
- Namitha Murali, Mini V.P., Ushakumari S. "Design and Implementation of Field Oriented Control
Based Permanent MagnetSynchronous Motor Drive for Electric Three-Wheeler". Journal of
power electronics (JPE- SCIE , scopus), pp.1-12,April 2023.
- Namitha Murali, Mini V.P., Harikumar R., Mayadevi N., S. Ushakumari . "A Robust Drive Train
Controller for an Electric Three-Wheeler" International Review of Automatic control (IREACO-
Scopus)-pp.44-53, Vol 16, No.1 , January 2023.
- Vijayasree. G, Mini. V P, and Ushakumari. S "Investigation of Magnetic effect in High-speed
Homopolar Inductor Alternator" Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2024.
- V P Mini, N Mayadevi, R Hari Kumar, Shruti Prins," Fuzzy-based intelligent algorithm for
diagnosis of drive faults in induction motor drive system", Arabian Journal for Science and
Engineering, Volume-45, 1385-1395.
- R.S Akhil, VP Mini, N Mayadevi, R Harikumar,"Modified flux-weakening control for
electric vehicle with PMSM drive ", IFAC-PapersOnLine, Elsevier,volume -53, issue -1
- R Hari Kumar, N Mayadevi, VP Mini, S Ushakumari,"Transforming distribution system into a
sustainable isolated microgrid considering contingency", Bulletin of the Polish Academy of
Sciences. Technical, 2019.
- K Jithin, R Harikumar, N Mayadevi, VP Mini, " A centralized control algorithm for power
management in interconnected dc microgrids", Proceedings of Symposium on Power
Electronic and Renewable Energy Systems Control: PERESC 2020.
- K Jithin, N Mayadevi, R Hari Kumar, VP Mini,"Stability Analysis of DC Microgrid Clusters
Based on Step-by-Step System Matrix Building Algorithm " Journal of Modern Power Systems
and Clean Energy, 2023.
- Mini V P, Sreeja V, Sreedevi G,"Fault Analysis of Induction Motor Drive System Using
Maxwell-Simplorer", International Journal of Electronics and Data Communication, 2016.
Conferences |
- Nisha G. K., Mini V. P. “A battery less Boost Converter for Thermal Harvesting System for automotive applications” IEEE International conference on Control, Communication and Computing India 2015
- Mini V P, Ushakumari “Rotor fault Analysis of Induction Motor using FEM” – IEEE International conference on power control and Embedded systems dec 2012, Allahabad
- Mini V P, Ushakumari “Incipient fault detection and diagnosis of Induction Motor using Fuzzy logic” - IEEE International Conference on RAICS, Trivandrum, Kerala
- Mini V P, Ushakumari “Fault detection and diagnosis of Induction motor using Fuzzy logic” - IEEE Region 8 SIBIRCON 2010, Irkutsk, Russia
- Mini V P, Ushakumari “Switching Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Three phase induction motor Drive system using Fuzzy logic” - IEEE International Conference on Advances in Green Energy on 17 & 18, Dec 2014
- Praveen , Mini V P “Research on Energy Efficient Burn-In Techniques for Power Supplies” - IEEE International Conference on Advances in Green Energy on 17 & 18, Dec 2014
- Namitha Murali, S. Ushakumari, Mini V.P., Alen Toji Varghese, " Sizing and Performance Analysis of an
Electric Motor in an E-rickshaw ", IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology
(POWERCON 2020), pp.1-6, September 2020.
- Namitha Murali, S. Ushakumari, Mini V.P., " Performance Comparison between Different Rotor
Configurations of PMSM for EV Application ", TENCON 2020 - 2020 IEEE REGION 10 Conference
pp.1334-1339.November 2020.
- Namitha Murali, Mini V.P, , S. Ushakumari, " Electric Vehicle Market Analysis and Trends ", IEEE 19th
India Council International Conference(INDICON) pp.1-6. November 2022.
- Sabna. M, V. P. Mini. V. P, S. Usha Kumari, Mayadevi. N, Hari Kumar R., and Vijayasree G.,"Inter Turn
Short Circuit Fault Analysis of Five-Phase PMSM", 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on
Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, (GUCON), Malaysia, 2021, pp. 1-6. doi:
- Nikhila M P, Mini V P, R. Hari Kumar, and N. Mayadevi, "Perfor-mance Enhancement of Synchronous
Reluctance Motor for ElectricVehicle." 2022 Second International Conference on Power, Control
and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T). IEEE, 2022.
- Nikhila M P, Mini V P, R. Hari Kumar, and N. Mayadevi, "Two-Axis Modeling of Synchronous
Reluctance Motor for Electric Four Wheeler." 2023 International Conference on Power Electronics
and Energy (ICPEE). IEEE, 2023.
- M. P. Nikhila, V. P. Mini, R. Harikumar and N. Mayadevi, " Torque Ripple Reduction of SynRM Using
Rotor Structure Modification," In-ternational Conference on E-Mobility, Power Control and Smart
Sys-tems, ICEMPS 2024. (Accepted)
- Vijayasree. G, Mini. V P, and Ushakumari. S, " Loss Analysis of High Speed Homopolar Inductor
Alternator " 2023 International Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT),
Kollam, India, 2023, pp. 1076-1080, doi:10.1109/ICCPCT58313.2023.1024562.
- Harija H, Mini V P, " An Efficient BLDC Motor Drive for Electric Boat " International
Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies, ICCPCT, 2023
- Vijayasree G, Mini V P, Ushakumari S , " Loss Analysis of High Speed Homopolar Inductor
Alternator ", International Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies, ICCPCT,
- Amal P Simon,Mini V , Hari Kumar R,Mayadevi N ," Design of Energy Efficient Solar
Powered Electric Boat"Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing
Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), 11-12 August 2022
- Lavina S Vijay,Mini V P, N. Mayadevi,Harikumar R. , "Design and development of the main
drive circuit of a PMSM based floating waste collecting electric vehicle for marine
ecosystem" Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and
Control Technologies (ICICICT), 11-12 August 2022.
- Rahul M A, Vijayasree G,Mini V. P," Virtual Modelling and Loss Study of Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor used in Electric Pickup Truck " International Conference on Control,
Communication and Computing (ICCC), 19-21 May 2023.
- Mini V P, Mayadevi N, Harikumar R, S Ushakumari," A Novel Algorithm for Detection and
Diagnosis of Switching Faults of Three Phase Induction Motor Drive System ", International
Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES),IIT Chennai.
Dec 18-21, 2018, pp: 1-4.
- Mini V P, Mayadevi N, Harikumar R, S Ushakumari," A Laboratory Scale Test-Bed for
Demonstrating and Validating Smart Grid Concepts," International Conference on Power Electronics,
Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES),IIT Chennai, 18-21, 2018
- Vishnu Narayanan P M, G Anu, V.P. Mini, " Design Development and performance Analysis of
Homopolar Pulsed Alternator ", International CET Conference on Control,Communication, and
Computing, CET, 05-07 July 2018.
- Mini V P, Mayadevi N, Harikumar R, Shruthi Prins," Detection of Broken Rotor Bars Using Multilevel
Wavelet Decomposition ", Conference: 2018 2nd International Conference on Trends in
Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI), May 2018
- V. P. Mini, N. Mayadevi, R. Hari Kumar, Chikku Gopal ," High power factor VSI fed induction motor
drive" International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control
Technologies (ICICICT), 2017.
- GV Somanath Reddy, VP Mini, N Mayadevi, R Hari Kumar," Optimal Energy Sharing in Smart DC
Microgrid Cluster ", IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and
Renewable Energy (PESGRE2020), 2020.
- Aswathi Unni, V P Mini, "An efficient solar powered induction motor drive system", 2015
International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India (ICCC),2015.
- MY Rizwin, Hari R Kumar, N Mayadevi, VP Mini," Interharmonics mitigation in grid-connected
solar PV systems with P&O MPPT algorithm", IEEE International Conference on Power
Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), 2020..
- G Sajitha, N Mayadevi, V P Mini, R Harikumar," Fault-Tolerant Control of BLDC Motor Drive for
Electric Vehicle Applications", International Conference on Power Electronics Applications and
Technology in Present Energy Scenario (PETPES), 2019.
- V Sreeja, VP Mini, S Ushakumari," Rotor fault detection and diagnosis of three phase induction
motor drive system", International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India
(ICCC), 2015.
- Sanija John, VP Mini,"Brushless dc motor (BLDCM) drive with maximum torque per Ampere
(MTPA) control for electric vehicle application", Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing
Technologies (i-PACT), 2021.
- MP Nikhila, VP Mini, R Harikumar, N Mayadevi." Two-Axis Modeling of Synchronous Reluctance
Motor for Electric Four-Wheeler", International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy
(ICPEE), 2023.
- R Hari Kumar, VP Mini, N Mayadevi,"Fuzzy intelligent system for detection of multiple switch
open fault in induction motor drive system", IEEE 4th International Conference on Condition
Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON), 2019.
- K. Arya, V.P. Mini, N. Mayadevi, R. Harikumar," Power Quality Enhancement of VSI Fed
Induction Motor Drive", International CET Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing
(IC4), 2018.
- M.P Nikhila, VP Mini, R Harikumar, N Mayadevi,"Performance enhancement of synchronous
reluctance motor for electric vehicle". Second International Conference on Power, Control and
Computing Technologies (ICPC2T), 2022.
- K.G Greeshma, V.P Mini," MTPA Based Efficient PMSM Drive for Electric Car", 2023 International
Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT),2023.
- Anju P Sivadas, V.P Mini, "Efficiency Optimization of Surface and De-centered PMSM with
Silicon Steel and Amorphous Iron Materials for E-rickshaw", Sustainable Energy and
Technological Advancements: Proceedings of ISSETA 2021.
- GL Anoop, VP Mini, R Harikumar, N Mayadevi," Thermal analysis of squirrel cage Induction
Motor", 2020 International Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications
- Prathibha P..K, V.P Mini, "Multilevel Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbine Generator for
Three Phase Grid Connected Applications", NCCT 2009.
- Mini V P, Haritha," Performance Analysis Of Modi?ed Two Inductor Boost Converter(TIBC)
",Performance Analysis Of Modi?ed Two Inductor Boost Converter(TIBC) (NCTT August 2017, CET
- Mini V.P. , Reshma V R, Reeba S V, "Performance analysis of Surface Permanent Magnet Vernier motor
for robotic applications", National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT), August 2016, CET, TVM.
- Mini V.P. , Silppa Y S, Reeba S V, "Design and Simulation of Slid State Transformer", National Conference
on Technological Trends (NCTT), August , 2016, CET.
- Mini V P , Reshma, "Optimization & Efficiency Improvement of an Axial Flux BLDC motor", National
Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT), August ,2016.